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Hindi MediumEnglish Medium
Hindi (301)English (302)
Bengali (303)Physics (312)
Urdu (306)Chemistry (313)
Sanskrit (309)Biology (314)
Mathematics (311)Mathematics (311)
Chemistry (313)History (315)
Biology (314)Geography (316)
Physics (312)Political Science (317)
History (315)Economics (318)
Geography (316)Business Studies (319)
Political Science (317)Accountancy (320)
Economics (318)Home Science (321)
Business Studies (319)Psychology (328)
Accountancy (320)Computer Science (330)
Home Science (321)Sociology (331)
Psychology (328)Painting (332)
Computer Science (330)Mass Communications (335)
Sociology (331)Data Entry Operations (336)
Painting (332)Environmental Science (333)
Mass Communications (335)Tourism (337)
Data Entry Operations (336)Introduction to Law (338)
Environmental Science (333)Library & Information Science (339)
Tourism (337)Military History (375)
Introduction to Law (338)Physical Education and Yog (373)
Library & Information Science (339)Early Childhood Care & Education (376)
Military History (375)Malayalam (343)
Military Studies(374)Military Studies(374)
Physical Education and Yog (373)Odia (305)
Early Childhood Care & Education (376)Punjabi (310)
Gujarati (307)Tamil (304)
Natyakala (385)Arabic (341)
Employability Skills (350)Employability Skills (350)
 Bhartiya Darshan (347) Bhartiya Darshan (347)
Veda Adhyan (Sanskrit or Hindi Medium Only) (245)Veda Adhyan (Sanskrit or Hindi Medium Only) (245)