TMA Questions
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1 Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
a) Different factors influence development. Describe at least two factors that influence the overall development of an Individual.
b) Poverty is one of the major concerns for almost every society as it has some dreadful consequences. Shed light on the different types of poverty that exists in asociety
2 Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
There is no domain of life where Yoga is not relevant. Identify the applications ofYoga in different walks of life
Identify the local / state / national run institutes providing specialized training in yoursurroundings and categorize them in the table given below:
3.Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
(a) Patanjali divided eight sutras of yoga as internal and external aids to yoga. Identify the internal and external aids to yoga.
(b) Emotions are like a continuum. We go through positive and negative emotions in life. But positive emotions are desired more and more by us. Explain why we desire positive emotions. The support your answer with suitable reasons.
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4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.
(a) “As human beings our curiosity drives us to know the reason behind various events happening around us.” Using examples of day to day life, explain what makes psychology different from the layman’s understanding of behavior?
(b) “Creativity is the mother of all inventions and discoveries in the world”. Explore the story of “Archimedes Principle”, and identify the stages of creativity in this discovery.
5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.
(a) Identify the groups you are a part of, and make a list of these groups. Explain how these groups differ from one another, and how as a member your contribution is different in each of these groups.
(b) “Our body and mind are two parts of a whole. If the body is healthy, the mind also remains radiant, alert, enthusiastic, and vice-versa”. Comment upon the nature of mind-body relationship, and suggest at least three ways to maintain a healthy body mind relationship.
6. Prepare any one project out of the given below:
(a) On Page no. 56, a digit span test is given (Activity 1). Conduct this test on a minimum of seven people, and record the data. Does the magic number 7±2 hold true for the collected data? Comment upon the nature of data collected in the light of the magic number theory.
(b) In your residential area, a yoga camp is being organized. You are invited as a speaker to spread awareness on the aspect of “Transcendental Meditation Practice”. Prepare a speech for the given topic such that it is informative and easy to understand by all sections of the society.
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